Performance Guarantee Testing with Qualitek Lab


A performance guarantee (PG) test is performed to measure the performance of the equipment as guaranteed by the manufacturer.

Why Performance Guarantee (PG) test is important?

Performance Guarantee (PG) tests are conducted for several important reasons. Here are some common reasons why PG tests are done:

Quality Assurance:  PG tests are proved to be smooth for organizations to verify that the product meets specified performance requirements. It helps to ensure the quality & reliability of a product.

Compliance with Standards and Specifications: Every industry has to follow certain standards, regulations and specifications. PG Tests are done to confirm that the product complies with these standards and ensure safety, reliability and quality

Warranty and Guarantees: While doing contractual agreements, PG tests may be required to validate that a product meets the terms of a warranty or guarantee. If the Product fails to meet performance requirements, it triggers a warranty claim by the manufacturer.

Risk Mitigation: PG tests can help in identifying and mitigating risks associated with the performance of a product. It verifies the expected performance of the product, potential issues and failures before reaching market.

Performance Guarantee Testing With Qualitek Lab

Performance Guarantee and Performance Evaluation Test of equipment are the services where the samples are drawn at the inlet and outlet of the pollutant controlled device or at any stipulated point of process duct to ensure the designed value. Generally, Electro Static Precipitator (ESP), Bag Filter, Scrubber, and Mist Eliminator are used by industries for the removal of pollutants. Generally all the equipment’s should met manufacturer guarantee performance value, but in Power plant, Boiler, Turbine & Generators are the major & critical equipment’s where PG tests are carried out.

PG test is carried out after erection & commissioning of the equipment’s and before hand over of the equipment’s PG test is carriedout.PG test is carried out. And also the frequency of parameters measurement is decided before commence of PG test.

Performance Guarantee Testing With Qualitek Lab

Qualitek Scope for PG testing:

  • Simultaneous Sampling
  • Grid Sampling & Traverse Point Sampling for Super Critical Boiler
  • Sampling at High Temperature ( more than 1000˚C)
  • Online Monitoring of SO2, NO2, CO, CO2, NO,  O2
  • Temperature
  • Pressure
  • Gas Velocity, Flow
  • PM

Instrument Used:

  • Flow Gas Analyser TESTO 340
  • Flow Gas Analyser Kane 905
  • Stack Kit
  • Testo Pressure Gauze
  • Temperature Sensor
  • High Temperature thermocouple

These instruments are likely used for tasks related to monitoring and analyzing in various applications. They are essential for ensuring the safety, efficiency, and compliance of processes, systems, or environmental conditions.

To conclude PG tests help verify that the product or structure is safe and ensures the quality and reliability of the product before hitting market. Qualitek Lab is a leading industry and having an experience of more than a decade. Our experts and resources are always ready to provide you best services in terms of helping with your testing, timelines, and making your products.  Reach out to us to know more.

Please contact us for more information

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